
I'm 8Miles8.

I design & build custom web presences from the ground up.

My websites are interactive, iconic, and fun to explore

Beyond websites, I serve my client's DNS, SEO, and server management needs.

I also work on a consultant basis to troubleshoot, update, and maintain existing websites, including those created using website builders.

If you can imagine it, I can build it.

You might know me as Miles Gorman, an activist and organizer.

My websites are ADA compliant ada.gov , with accessible pricing to match.

My pricing structure is based on what you can pay, not anyone else.

My clients pay what they can, giving nonprofits and small businesses access to the professional web presences they deserve.

My clients include advocacy organizations christopherstreetproject.org , redevelopment corporations btcre.com , and creatives getwellproductions.net .

Each site is made to order, perfectly tailored to their needs.

Let's discover what's possible.